Critical and Literary Issues in the Collection of King Al-Amjad Bahram Shah Ayyubid

Document Type : Original Article


instructor Arabic Language and Islamic studies ,Faculty of education, Tanta university , Egypt


There are many poetic verses that we may read in collections of Arabic poetry containing some issues of criticism and poetry over ages up-to-date. Perhaps this is due to the fact that poets are more knowledgeable than others about them for they organize poetry, follow its paths, and teach its arts. Thus, Al-Jahiz preferred poets - in this critical aspect - over narrators and grammarians, as he says: “I realized this essence of speech in the narrators of the book more generally, and on the tongues the dexterity of poets is more evident.
Many critical and literary issues were mentioned in the Collection of King Al-Amjad Bahram Shah Ayyubid. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the most important of these issues, such as the definition of poetry, the function and importance of poetry, the defects and authenticity of poetry, the process of poetry, its straying and its transmission between narrators. In addition, it investigated the issue of precedence to meaning (old and modern), pronunciation and meaning, and obviousness and affectation, nature and workmanship, with a statement of his opinion and position on these issues


Article History

Receive Date: 2023/7/12

Accept Date: 2023/9/3

Publish Date: 2023/11/25

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